Client & Prospect Promotional Campaigns 2017-04-28T20:55:39+00:00

Project Description

While employed at Bluechip Athletic Solutions, I created two unique campaigns to gain both goodwill and attention from clients and prospects.

The first promotion was for National Signing Day, an important day in collegiate football during which many of our clients (football teams) were stressed. I organized a campaign for us to send each client “Signing Day Survival Kits” which included items like Advil, a Starbucks gift card, Gatorade, and more.

On another occasion I created “Welcome Bags” for our clients and prospects when the National Association for Athletics Compliance Convention was held here in Atlanta. The bags included signed notes from our staff, an Atlanta postcard, peach candies, a mini Coca-Cola and Georgia Peanuts. Additionally, I organized and hosted a reception at the SunDial during the convention.

Project Details
